Sunday, January 27, 2008

Balcony views

This second painting using acrylic paints took longer than the fruit bowl painting. I learnt how to use a sponge to paint the background and I spent awhile working on first the doors and windows and then the tree. The front paving was tackled last.

Sumo wrestler

We spent the first part of the lesson creating a face using plasticine. First create an oval shape, then divide into six equal areas, pinch the face at the jaw and eyes area, add the eyes, nose etc. After doing that we were told to draw a face using all we had just learnt. The result - the sumo wrestler

Newspaper stick

This exercise involved sticking images torn out of newspapers on a blank piece of paper. The images had to be ones that were not easily identifiable. The exercise then involved painting to blend in the stuck-in items to create a single image. Many in the class decided to create and enhance recognisable images from the result. I decided to go abstract.

Lake reflection 2

A second more successful go at doing the lake reflection

Lake reflection 1

We drew the top third of the page quickly - as in making sure the paint was still wet. We then folded it to get the lake reflection and then worked on the bottom third to create the water on the lake

Fruit bowl

Claudette's class is about technique and involves sketching from prints. The bowl of fruit is the first painting I have done - it is working from a print but it took six lessons to complete. It is also the first time I have drawn using acrylic paints.

Night Owl

This was drawn with oil pastels but this time the outline was first covered with candle wax. It started out an image of two Pomegranates!



This is drawn with oil pastels and cooking oil. The cooking oil is used to coat the page and then I used the crayons.

Song Bird

Involved using coloured pencils

Still life

Claudette's class: The first drawing I did, back in Sept 2007

Cello player

The cello painting started out by drawing lines on a page with my eyes shut. Then you look for an image in the mass of lines and erase those that conflict with the image you see and add those that re-enforce. This was followed by painting the resulting image. Adding a chequered floor in the foreground was Yael's suggestion