Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Sur

A painting of a photo sent by Hanna Gamson. Here is another pic, showing the scale of the Big Sur rock in CA.


RHR said...

"Incredible. Love it very much indeed." - Lesley

RHR said...

"That is fantastic. The details are great." - Izzat

RHR said...

"Very impressive...your talents are being wasted BUT I wouldn't give up your day job just yet to be the next Picasso :o) Seriously very good stuff" - Kal

RHR said...

"Hey Roy, I really like it!! I can hear the roars of the waves and feel the splashes on my face..." - Dennis.

RHR said...

" Wow! Pretty damn good. That's one for hanging. Can't see the signature... is it really yours?" -

RHR said...

"You need to come over and see the real thing. You have caught the motion of the water as it hits the rocks on the coastline. Your artwork frames and traps that motion within the rock frame you have around the edge. The raw energy and motion in Big Sur is so huge and the coastline so tall that it is like an infinite force hitting an immovable object.

Height is a big thing on the Big Sur coastline. This height is emphasised by the roadways that stretch between one section of the rock and the next. In between the rock sections there is water far below where the coastine has eroded.

My suggestion is to untrap and let the energy free itself and pound against the rocks.

Great artwork, Roy." - Norman

RHR said...

"Very nice!!" - Edgar

RHR said...

"I love your paintings & am specially drawn to the cellist – maybe it’s the colours? And a penchant for naive art?" - Margot

RHR said...

"I have to say your artwork is fantastic - Manchester at dusk! is that from memory? Really good Roy I'm amazed - (not that it's good you understand but that you are an artist, I never knew)" - David C.

RHR said...

"Yet another remarkable picture, Roy. Brilliant!" - Ben

RHR said...

"I see that you're totally immersed in art these days....I really like the Big Sur in CA painting." Leif